Short information text for the GP which should accompany a positive laboratory diagnosis of HbS, C, E, D, α- en β-thalassemia carrier

When the carrier is a child: Patient is carrier of…… . Due to the possible presence of genetic risk for severe forms of HbP in the future progeny of the parents, it is appropriate to provide information and to offer carrier diagnostics to both parents of this child.

When the carrier is a young adult: Patient is carrier of …… . Due to the possible presence of genetic risk for severe forms of HbP in the progeny it is appropriate to provide genetic information and to offer carrier diagnostics to the eventual partner and to the family of this patient.

When the carrier is an elderly person: Patient is carrier of …… . Due to the possible presence of genetic risk for severe HbP is the progeny of this patient it is appropriate to provide information and to offer carrier diagnostics to his/her children. For all young HbP carriers partner analysis is appropriate.

For more information

Hemoglobinopathies Laboratory       tel.: +31(0)71-5269817
Dept of Clinical Genetics/LDGA
Leiden University Medical Center
Einthovenweg 20
P.O.Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, Netherlands